Mess 英文原意是混乱,但是mess在不同的语境下,还有多种不同的诠释。
1. 作为名词时,mess可以指一顿饭,特别是在军队中这个用法比较普遍。例如:We all went to the mess to have lunch. 或者是:I'll meet you in the mess hall for dinner.
2. Mess还可以用作一个动词,意思是搞砸了,把局面弄乱了。例如:John really messed up the project this time, and he had to work overtime to fix it.
3. mess还可以用来表示情绪上的混乱,比如说心情不好或者是非常紧张,这种用法经常出现在口语中。例如:Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him, Jack has been in a real mess. 或者是:I'm a total mess before my final exam.
4. Mess还能指一些烦琐麻烦的事情。比如说:I don't want to deal with this mess right now. 或者是:I hate cleaning up after the party, it's such a mess.